IGEN Tech is professional in innovative applications based on technologies of IoTs, cloud computing and big data.
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Check plant real-time data at anytime and anywhere
Capable of smart product management and remote problem-solving
Streamline business process and realize highly efficient O&M for installers, O&M service providers and distributors
The most credible 3rd-party data safeguards renewable energy assets
Offer various solutions in compliance with distributed PV requirements for industrial and commercial systems
Visualized household energy consumption brings comfortable and eco-friendly life to global users
Visualized data acquiring from batteries and power consuming devices
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A full range of technical support and services
A full range of technical support and services
As an exclusive official partner for SunSpec Alliance in China, IGEN-Tech hosted the online meeting in Wuxi, May 21st 2020.
More than 100 excellent professionals from all aspects of PV industry gathered online to attend the meeting. Tom Tansy (Chairman of SunSpec) and Dylan Tansy (Member Services Manager of SunSpec) also joined the meeting.
The theme of this meeting was Network Communication Standard in Distributed Energy Resource, which read IEEE™1547-2018 and IEEE™2030.5-2018.
The meeting gave a brief introduction into Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Market, SunSpec Alliance and SunSpec Certified Interoperability Solutions.
With the improved service architecture, IGEN-Tech will provide certification service with no time difference and monitoring system conforming to SunSpec Certification.
For more details, please feel free to contact sunspec@igen-tech.com